Our services.

  • Full Service Groom

    Full service grooming includes a bath, blow dry, nail trimming, ear cleaning, sanitary trim and full body haircut.

  • Mini Groom

    A mini groom includes a bath, blow dry, nail trimming, ear cleaning, sanitary trim and trimming feet, belly, and legs.

  • Bath Cleanup

    Bath services include a bath, blow dry, nail trimming, ear cleaning, and trimming paw pads and sanitary areas.

  • Cat Groom

    Cats grooming is based on what each individual cat will tolerate.

  • Anal Glands

    Glands are expressed upon request and not automatically.

  • Ear Plucking

    Because of the sensitive structure of the ear, the hair on inside the ear canal with be thinned as long as no signs of infection are present. Thinning the hair allows for airflow to prevent infections. Their will still be some hair left so as to not cause irritation buy overplucking.